Check out this brief Overview of Successful marketing.

Teaching golf pros how to market themselves better than their competitors... Part 1 The Overview..

How to stand out like flip flops on the first tee.

And it’s not more swing tips.


The following overview is simple to implement and can be used for any business or product you sell.

How you communicate will make the difference between people just seeing and at best liking your content, or actually paying the money you deserve for your skills and expertise that you have spent years perfecting.

Having a strong foundation to build on, based around sound fundamentals allows you to market to golfers simply, effectively and in a way that separates you from the rest of the crowd.

The G.A.S.P of Marketing.

There wouldn’t be a huge benefit to working on high-level shot-making skills in the golf swing, if a golfer is struggling with the fundamentals of Grip, Alignment, Stance and Posture. That’s how you want to think about your marketing, there is no point thinking about your Facebook ads, if you don’t have a system to convert the people that see those ads.

The simple formula for the most successful marketers is as follows:

  • Squeeze page - to capture someone’s details

  • Email follow up, sending them to:

  • Sales page

  • Have a buyers list and offer the next product or service.

The rest of the video series will go in-depth of each of these concepts and how you can apply them when selling your services to golfers.

Your first action item

  • Get clear on what the “first” product or service that will be your front end offer.

This could be a one off lesson, an e-book, a group activity. Having this in place will give you a “frame work” to move forward.

  • Get clear on what the next offer will be and how it complements your first offer.

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