10 Cool Rules To Live By
I wouldn’t call them commandments more
like guide lines to live by for golfers
with kids that run their own businesses.
10 rules to live by which you can
implement immediately
1) Pay yourself first, with time and money
2) Only compare yourself to yourself by
trying to be better than yesterday
3) Invest “in” yourself not just in
“things” for yourself
4) Be more consistent than your
5) Stick to “your” principles.
6) Have a well thought-out strategic
action plan
7) Be ruthlessly committed to that plan
8) Don’t lie to yourself
9) Focus on mastering the fundamentals
10) Keep Score of what you “can” control
That’s it 10 simply rules that will change
the way you improve yourself
I personally use these but.....
Like anything that works, You can apply
this code to anything
however if you need more
Go here
John Seton