UNBreakable golfers

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A Formula For Golfing Meth

Not sure if you’ve seen the TV program
breaking bad,

basically a school chemistry teacher
decides to start producing crystal meth,

And he has a bad ass formula that is the

What happens is everyone try’s to replicate
it to be in the money and try to get close to
the perfect product

But the thing is they dont have the

They hadn't studied and been obsessed with
chemistry for years,

they just see what he was doing and try to
make it work.

Can you see the resemblance?

Next month someone that has studied the
body and how it effects a golfers abilty to
generate force

Is teaming up with some one who has studied
the golf swing for years to get golfers
handicaps down

And both of us get results,

And in a one day seesion we're gonna blend
it all together like powerful blue golfing

And you wont wanna miss out,

I'll be sending you a link of all the
powerful chemistry based stuff we will be
covering soon

But until then

Register you interest here



Keep your fridays FREE

John "Meth-head" Seton

PS We're gonna show YOU how it can all be
blended together to get you More Distance
and a Lower handicap

But if you don't need that then the
unsubscribe link is at the bottom