An Ass Kicking
An ass kicking from the universe
Listen dude, the universe is just waiting to
kick your ass,
It doesn't care if you've had time to warm
Or if you've had enough rest.
It certainly tried to do me recently.
Whilst spending some quality time in the
garden with the family,
Obviously when it was hot dude
I had to make my way round the bouncy castle
to get the ball that had been kicked over it.
I ducked under the washing line,
On my way back up,
I smashed my head on a metal plat pot holder.
This solid metal object probably made from
valyrian steal also had a newly installed
porcelain plant pot.
Honestly, anyone that had seen it i'm sure
that a 1960's batman speech bubble saying
"Av that son" was there.
And dude it floored me, And ended up leaving
a massive egg on my head.
on the floor in front of the wife (trying her
hardest not to laugh and the kids who have
just seen their hero be treated like a bitch
by nature)
You could say it knocked some sense into me
but the fact is it just made me realize how
unaware I was in the garden
Regardless of where your are and how well you
know your surroundings if your are not
You can get a punch in the head.
Be aware that the universe is always waiting
to kick your ass
Whats the lesson?
Being present, focused on the process and not
the outcome will prepare you for life's right
If you are constantly focused on the outcome
and not the process you may take certain
things for granted
This is where you get injured, doing either
the wrong thing to the wrong part at the
wrong time.
In golf, you're not focused on the shot in
hand and you're too in the future or too
worried about your score, that's when you
will get the big miss.
And now your card is fucked.
The best way to stay focused and on track is
to break the task down into smaller chunks
and check you progress in each,
This is why we screen
We can see if you are making progress in 1
area of your body as part of the main goal to
get better.
John "Floored" Seton
PS If you wanna get screened fella
Ive got you covered
heres where you go.
Golf Performance Therapy and Golf Fitness in kent