Dude I bet you thought I'd forgotten
about you fella

Nope just had a busy couple of days

Didn't get this set up so it's going out

Why does Martin Tyler shout LIVE every

We know it's live dick head

Anyway it's Saturday morning just took
the kids swimming and I just don't feel
like it today

But you still get an email my man

I could say it's because:

I've got your back

I want too keep you accountable

I know how these emails get and keep you

And don't get me wrong that shits true

But the real reason your getting this

Is for me

You see today will be the 230
Consecutive day of sending an email

An email that helps and entertains

I am a consistent mother efferr

Cos even though consistency isn't sexy

It's where all progress is made

Everyone is looking for the quick fix

The magic bullet

But all you need to do is just do
something And keep doing it

Willpower is not unlimited so do
something you can see yourself doing for
a long time

Cos at some point you will just say fuck
it and give up

The thing is you will then beat yourself

When In truth what you tried to do was
impossible to be consistent at

Wake up warrior have a saying that is
"Success swinging singles"

It's a baseball term and let's face it

baseball bats are only really good for
film fights

But it means everyone is looking for the

When if you just hit singles that's
where you win

If you want a simple no nonsense way to
fix your body

so that it improves your golf.

Get in the clinic


And I'll Show you how simple being
consistent really is

John "230" Seton

PS I've had a lot of Questions about
Unbreakable Golfers

When it's ready I'll let you know but
it's built for the golfer who couldn't
commit to seeing me twice a week

but want the amazing results the GolfMob

Nice one