UNBreakable golfers

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Cavemen Golfers

Men are simple creatures. 

We were simple when we lived in caves, and we are simple now but have been tricked into thinking we should care about things that are soaked in oestrogen.

But really only need a few things to be happy and not be angry or wake up tired all the time.

1) Eat Food,  

If you are trying to eat Better, Healthier, Cleaner, dont know how or what to eat or what diet you are being distracted by.

A man needs to ENJOY his food. 

Otherwise we won't stick to it, will want to eat as much rubbish as possible.

With fellas, it's mainly what they're NOT eating thats the problem. (Think about that for a second and you realise its about adding nutrients and not taking away what you enjoy)

Have a BBQ, be a cave man and eat all the meat you want and add in the other food your body needs.

Not only does it taste awesome, but with a nice bit of ribeye you can pretend you are a lion. 

Or is that just me. 

I may have just shared too much…. on to…

2) Do something physical as often as you can like Bjj, run, box or Play Golf 

Did you know that cave men used to regularly play golf using a tree branch and a Titleist Pro V 1 million BC

3) Use the toilet in peace 

Yep, this simple daily act was designed NOT to have the cave kids banging on the door, or decide they need your help for the 5 minutes they are unsupervised. 

With these 3 things firmly in place a man can be blissfully happy safe in the knowledge that whatever happened today, be it being too tired or hot at least….

Tomorrow will bring some exercise(maybe 18 holes), some egg and bacon and of course 5 minutes on the khazi in peace. 

The GolfMob is a golf specific, Golf Fitness plan where golfers can Gain yards and lose inches.

It was built for Men who eat meat and play golf. 

It's one of 3 parts to Golf Performance but the one where you use your quest to get better at the game with the bonus of losing weight and it will be coming to this sun drenched area soon.

For more information go here


John Seton