So dude I've just realized I've turned
into a control freak.

You see I've always been a relaxed fella
with a short fuse

Now I'm calm and focused,

However because I now plan everything

I try to change and improve things daily
and then measure it.

But I've just found that this does have
a down side

I decided to book some flights for me,
the Mrs and my two kids

Had the ones I wanted, then I was
reminded that someone could get 30% off
these flights.

All I had to do was send the flight
details over and wait for the reply.

Why not, it's more spending money right,

But this was part of a chain through 3
other people.

So I had to wait to know when they were

In that time Ryan air decided that they
would rather have a few months off and
monarch thought being in business was a
bad idea.

(I've had those thought from time to time)

So my easy jet flights started rising,


So I would constantly ask,

"Let me know if this is done cos I might
just book them now"

But it was a waiting game

The last thing I was gonna do was buy 8
seats for 4 people.

The thing is there was a huge lack of

I didn't know if I was going or not
which ment I couldn't plan the work

Information is important and it gives US
the ability to plan and measure.

What I should have done was just keep it
in my control

But thought I would save a few £££

Big mistake

If you know what you have to do

you can know if you are making progress
or not

Its then a case of did I do the work Yes
or No

But if you are just aimlessly wandering
from one thing to another and not
checking for improvement,

Well fella that's where stress lives

So how can you apply this so you can get

Its simple dude

Have a plan that YOU can control and
measure YOUR improvement.

The questions you need to ask are:

Is your golf game getting better?

Or has this year seen a slide back?

Have you lost distance?

Find you weakest link and work on that

Boring I know but its in the simple
stuff where progress is

YOUR BODY I can help with that.

It will carry over into every possible

And will help you sleep better

Its just having the right information
and taken action on it.

If you want to know what your PHYSICAL
limitations are in your golf swing and
how to fix it

Fill out this form and I'll get you on
the waiting list to come and see me

John "Control"Seton

PS if you look after your body you will
stop the decline as you get older

You can play more golf in less pain