UNBreakable golfers

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Don’t Let Um Win

Fella, there are people that are just

To Jedi mindf*ck you

And it’s important to not bite

Because if you pull them across the

And ring their neck like homer does to
Bart Simpson

You’ve just let them win that one.

Don’t get me wrong their pride and
esophagus is now damaged

But that was their goal

To Trigger you

To make you forget what your plan / day
/ agenda was

They now have something called “frame

They can now dictate the “frame” of the

They are now in control

While you have “lost control”

This can happen with the Mrs too,

Let’s say your in a situational where
she’s being

“A little unreasonable”

If you bite, or give her any fuel for
her fire

She’s just won

Arguing about what you “just said “
rather than the thing she was on your
case about

Don’t let them win

You don’t see professional boxers lose
it in the ring

Maybe in the press conference but let’s
just say they’ve probably seen way.....

Too much WWF, WWE or whatever that sh*ts
called now

And that’s about “selling” the fight

Not “fighting” the fight

They know that losing control plays into
the hand of the opponent

When you “opponent” (business, Mrs or
golf) says something that triggers you

Ask these question before you bite or
have to dig a hole to put them in

Is this a target for me to lose control
of this situation If I lose control do I
LOSE What do I get by not biting

Personal I feel not biting will trigger
the f*ck out of them

And in that We win

Two things that can help with this is

Counting your breaths will stop you
losing your sh*t as often

But working on your triggers will be the
only way to stop them “triggering you”

By the way, anger, fear and stress
tension the body

And that can effect your golf swing

If you wanna move better and be less
tight in the golf swing

Come and see me in the clinic


I’ll be in touch with a date

John “triggered” Seton

PS your triggers go deeper than just an
odd remark,

there is a reason why it triggers you

And until you find it

It will always trigger you
