The wife speaks correctly,
Me, not so much.
And having kids, I have to catch myself,
and be corrected by the Boss when some
things are said.
My daughters birthday present was
sylvanian family and one of the
characters was a hedgehog.
My son asked me what it was so I said
"Its a edge-og"
Which he replayed
" edge-og"?
My wife steps in and says
"No Josh its a hedgehog"
Which of course he now says
"Ohhhh Hedgehog"
The thing is dude,
Had the boss not pointed it out, I would
have had no idea that anything was
How could I, in my mind everything was
spot on.
The thing is though its not just what we
say that our kids copy, they will mimic
our actions too.
On the phone all the time, guess what
they want the ipad,
Eat shit all the time, but annoyed they
only want chocolate
Stress, pissed off, tired, angry
Thats where they get it from dude
So I know try to work on how I say stuff
around my kids as well as what I say.
Thats also now why I try to eat and look
after myself.
Cos I dont want my kids to follow in my
bad habits
It the reason why I started the Golfmob
To show fellas with kids how they can
look after there self without even
entering a gym.
Today is your last day to get in
John "Hedgehog" Seton
PS Dude I must admit, it is still
fxcking funny when they copy me.
When my son told me on holiday that he
needed a PONY it was a highlight