Every Game In The Book
So dude got some serious bullshiiiiit
chucked at me last week
A specialist, that does some work for me
And has done for years
Played every game in book
However I’d just come out of a meeting
where we’d just guaranteed a completion
The thing is the night before I’d walked
our specialist round and we’d agreed
The issues that were outstanding (his
end) would not affect the Commissioning
Or the completion date
And that any issues need to be raised
now so we can tackle them
But now I get all the excuses why it
might have some issues
And that the client will need to be
aware that it may not be ready
“Fxck no”
Don’t get me wrong deadlines are missed
all the time because of unforeseen
However, if you’re due to arrive at 7am
and you turn up at 12
You are to blame
If you say don’t panic it’ll be
completed before we go today
And you leave before me
You are to blame
The most powerful thing someone can do
is say
“I f*cked up, how do I fix it”
Not to throw elbows and run away
And like someone that throws elbows at
At some point
You will be kicked right up in the air
What’s the point
We can make PROGRESS
Not both
Sh*t happens, but if you run away from
And hide
You can’t fix it
You can only fix it
if it’s in front of you
If you wanna get a better body for golf
I can give you all the tips in these
But at some point you need to be in
front of me
To do that
Click this link fill out a form and I’ll
get you in next month
John “bullsiiiiit killer” Seton
PS The is always room for improvement
The question is what and how do you want
to improve
Nice one