UNBreakable golfers

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Expensive Systems

Set up data management system in my
other business.

You see with all the work I've done on
mindset and productivity with
unstoppable Bastard Paul Mort it's made
me realize how unproductive our company
can be.

Which means wasted time on my clock
that's ticking away.

This is quite a substantial investment
both upfront and monthly and if we lose
any yearly business and don't make
enough sales we will struggle

But it will put us in a position that we
will be infront of our competitors and
be able to step up to a bigger game.

Sometimes you have to invest to get
better cos The risk is worth the reward.

Everything works better with systems and
planning my man.

In terms of golf the question comes down

Do you want to get better or not?

If you want to get better at golf you
have to stop the one off lessons and
invest in a program.

You see with a program you can plan out
you progression tweak what needs to be
tweaked and move on at the right time,

Just contact my man james Skelton and
ask about the results he's getting with
golfers in he's new structured program

And with fitness dude it's the same,

What's right for you now will be
different in two weeks time,

What will keep you focused now will be
different in 4 weeks time,

If you want the same things now that you
did at the start of the year and you
still dont have them ask your self this

Did you invest in the right areas so
that you can be ahead of your
competition and step into a different

If not do you even care if you do?

That game could be a different division
for your handicap.

If its time to invest in YOURSELF get in

A system with unmatched results in golf

Distance with added fat loss

And of course the Money back guarantee
you don't increase distance in 4 weeks


But you know about that already

That's not the reasons why you're on the

But what is dude?

John "Systems" Seton

PS The Mob is shut, but I'm not

Got questions?

Get in touch

Nice one 


Golf Performance Therapy & Golf Fitness