So on Wednesday it was important to get
to the West End for 7am
6.15 train from Sidcup
But as soon as I got on it there was an
announcement similar to this
"We're really sorry to say that lewisham
is fxcked and are sorry that it is and
we have no idea why but we are still
very Sorry"
So an hour later still sitting there I
"Fxck The Train"
2 minutes walk to costa and plant myself
and do some work,
Point is I got in touch with the people
I needed and spent the time setting up
the page for the mob free trial.
Sometimes the only thing you can control
is your attitude
Before I would be enraged
But the fact is we get more angry when
we believe WE have fucked up
Read that shxt again fella ^ ^ ^
because if you can take the emotion out
of a situation you can learn from it
If you have done all you can and things
still fxck Up
it's just a case of what did I learn and
how can I not fxck up again
When it comes to it fella life like golf
can be out of your control
And Dude GOLF IS HARD, so kicking your
own ass will not make it easier
being stressed as fxck will not help you
To deal with stress you have two options
1 remove stress
2 become better at deling with stress
And that can only come down to MINDSET
I cover mindset extensively in the
training videos inside the golf mob
members only face book group.
Because wether you think you can or you
can't then your probably right
John "6.15" Seton
Ps dude if you didn't know you will get
access to all the recored video training
on the 1 week trail
But if you're mindset is already on
point then you won't need that
So click unsubscribe
Nice one