Been watching Game of thrones,

(Fella dont worry not gonna tell you any

But at the start of every week I think
it can't be better than last week

And some how it is,

Which is pretty awesome

It ends on Monday and then that's it for
a year.

Which if you've been watching it and
enjoying it you know that's not good

The fact it's not on for a year is a
good thing

For Me

Cos I'm not sure where I could get any
time from for work

To boxset binge on this program

It would just be,

dinner, kids to bed

Game of thrones,

Pretty much every night

The thing is there is only so much time
in the day, and even less available to
better yourself

What if you dedicated a time slot
everyday that was focused on getting you

A 30 minute lesson on Monday could (with
the right instruction)

be used to do 30 minutes Mirror work
away from the lesson.

A treatment to improve your body could
be followed up with daily corrective

You may not box set binge a series but
in a month you can make serious changes
to YOU

Getting a better body for golf will be
the start to unbelievable progress

dude if you can spend 30 minutes a day
on your body you can get unbelievable

The fact is we at the GolfMob Only do 90
Minuets A WEEK

If you want the blueprint click the link

John "Monday's Free" Seton

Ps dude I love a boxset binge but I am
aware of how unproductive it makes me,

If that sounds like you get in touch



Golf Performance Therapy & Golf Fitness