UNBreakable golfers

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Golf Performance Systems

When you are clear on your targets and want to stop yourself from destroying any momentum that you have built, then

A system is the best way to go.

A system won't allow you to just go through the motions or,

Hide from doing the work you need for results...

The fact is the reason why people don't take action is that they are either not clear on:

what they want 

on where they want to go or,

they have no system to keep them on track on what to do NEXT...

So if you know what you want to achieve then the next step action to take is staying consistent.

And this is why using a system like Fairway 4 (Which is figures, focus, fitness, function) let you frame out your next step actions so that you have no excuses for not knowing what to do next.

4 key points you need to know: 

where you are right now, 

where do you want to go, 

what do you need to think to get there and, 

what is the next step "physical" action to take? 

Then work out how to fit it all together and link it to your body, your mind and your golf.

When you link it all together you have a system. 

Most people know roughly what their targets are, what their goals are and what their aspirations are, but 

they don't believe they can achieve them. 

They have stories that run through their head that I like, 

"I can't do this", 

"I'm not good enough", 

"It won't work"

But by challenging those stories, challenging those beliefs and getting yourself in a position that you can remind yourself daily of your goals, where you're trying to go, what you're trying to achieve and changing those stories, then you can go, 

from, "I can't do this" to "I can do this", 

from "I'm not good enough" to "I'm good enough", 

from "This will fail" to "this will work". 

That's the whole point you need to be able to reframe. 

When it comes down to the focus side you want to become elite and self-assessment. 

A level where you can assess yourself and get yourself into a position that you know what your limitations are in your body and you correct it. 

You know what your limitations are in your thinking and you correct it. 

You know how your limitations in your body and your thinking links to your golf and then correct it. 

On the fitness side of things you know your targets inside out, you know what's going to stop you from taking actions so you deal with them first. 

When it comes down to function, well, you could just read your targets daily and adjust your focus, fitness and function to get the results you want. 

Just by reading your targets daily, you're going to get clear on what your obstacles are, which will give you the focus to know what you need to do to challenge those obstacles, whether they'll be in your body, your mind or your golf, and take the actions necessary to get the results you want. 

All so very, very simple. 

What I suggest do next is just remind yourself of what your targets are and every day, work out what the obstacles are in a way. 

Take action on one obstacle a day and re-assess at the end of the week. 

If you want to know more about how your body can hold back your golf then click the link below and get the FREE Unbreakable Golfers phone and Ipad app...

Which has the exact tools that can help you get the results you want. 


John Seton 

Good luck