So I went to play a couple of holes last

when I got there, there was a big group
about to go off,

so just walked over to the practice

And then out of the blue the heavens

Me in shorts and tee shirt and no water
proofs or umbrella

You could say I was slightly unprepared.

So rather than go in or get soaked and
look like a wet cat

I went to the trees and just spent half
hour hitting low punch shots with 8 and
6 irons

There is always another way to get stuff

The best thing is that when I did get
out on the course

I hit a fade into the trees on the 14th.

had a shot that had to go through two
big trees not much more than a meter

and it couldn't be more than 2 meters

Hit a lovely 8 iron that just made the

The fact that I 3 putted is irrelevant


The way to see it

It's like when you're determined
"to start something new"

You're gonna invest in Lowering your

invest in getting better

but for some reason you have to deviate
from the plan.

And that takes you off into the trees

but for some reason you can't get out
and you give up,

Most of the time this comes from
believing the story in Your head


I can't do it

That's why the next golf mob in take you
can get a 1 week free tail

It's so you can see what's IS possible

With this trial you will put the
practice in on the Monday get better on
Wednesday and see the benefits on

New Man Thursday

John "Low Trees" Seton

PS Dude This trail may be free but it's
not without in vestment.

An investment of time and commitment on
your end

But 90 minutes and mobster attitude is
worth it for New Man Thursday

Click this link and fill out a form

Or get in touch

Only a few spots available
