He Wouldn't Take Money, He Done It For Free
Men are simple creatures.
it’s said that nothing can inspire a man
more then someone telling him he can’t do
I’ll raise that slightly,
If a fella tells you he can do something
Something that’s considered stupid
And YOU try to get him to do it again by
saying it can’t be done that’s MUCH more
A pal of mine
we’ll call him Jim, cos that’s his name,
once told us in the imperial arms that he
could put and eat a whole scotch egg in
one swift move getting the whole thing in
his mouth
We asked him to do it again and he said NO
Begged him, the answer still NO
Offered him money for the bet, answer
still NO
The killer,
the one thing no man can resist especially
if it comes from his pals
Told him that he was probably full of sh*t
anyway and it couldn’t be done so lets
just change the subject
and BOOM he stepped up
Watching him choke with tears rolling down
his face was one of the funniest things
I've see in a pub that didn't involve ping
pong balls
Point is if you have the correct leverage
on a fella you can get him to do ANYTHING
Thats all accountability is, getting the
CORRECT leverage.
If you have leverage on yourself the sky’s
the limit
Wanna know how to get leverage on yourself
Tell the truth (I'll cover in detail in an
email soon)
But if you wanna get leverage on yourself
next week you can go here
John “can’t be done” Seton
PS you get leverage on yourself by getting
completely clear on what you want and
being shown HOW to get it.
The big quetion is, Do you know what you