UNBreakable golfers

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He's Been A Fan Since 38

A pal of mine is a Liverpool fan

Well I use the word fan but I’m Not sure
what he is

When we left school he was Millwall

Then his eldest son is a Chelsea fan so
he used to go a lot there,

And fell under the Chelsea banner

But apparently he always liked

When he didn’t support anyone I would
see him the day after an Arsenal defeat

And He would give me serious stick

(When you've spent your whole weekend in
a car to watch you team get beat it
would mean I'd seriously lose my sh*t)

But I couldn’t say much back then as he
wore more colors than Robert Mugabe

About 4 years ago he finally came out of
the closet

Full kit w*nker style and declared him
self fully from the red side of Stanley

I can’t fault his commitment NOW

He travels up there when he can,

Which is more than I do now BUT

I’ve served my time,

However, when the beers start flowing
the anti arsenal bias comes out and I
have to hold back the trump card

The one that says

“You’ve only been a fan 3 years”

Red mist


hurt and angry

And that’s when it’s time to drop the

Walk away,

Shows over.

But I try not to do that

I try to build confidence not crush it

But when they are 3 nil up at half time

And the what’s app group is keeping my
screen lit

With quotes from him like this belter

“We’re smash Chelsea at the weekend”

It’s nice when they melt and you can see
it coming a mile off

The banter has turned to no reply’s to
the boys goading him

Proper Mugabe media lock down

And the constant screen shot of his
previous banter

I didn’t get involved

But to say it wasn’t enjoyable would be
a lie

My point is no one gives a sh*t how you

It’s how you finish

What the results say

Is what matters,

In January there will be a lot of people
starting new stuff

In March the ones that are still,



And focused are the guys that will get

If you wanna get results

And a plan you can stick to

Click this link


And let me know how I can help you

John “Laughing” Seton

PS I’m looking forward to the weekend

And hopefully another melting
