Now I know there are few things that pop
into your head for this, wether it’s
baddies in real life,

Baddies in films or even the likes of lions
or King Kong

However in my opinion history’s greatest
monster is Jose Mourinho

The man that destroyed le bosses plans to
build from the inside when arsenal were
paying players wages by loans for you and
watching eat well for less.

On top of that there was a point when this
fella could walk up to the queens front

Squat down

Take a shit and sports writers would have
said some how it was a move from a master

But the thing is the reason why I believe
he is history greatest monster is not buy
gouging a mans eye from behind,

It’s cos he took what was mine

Years of traveling-up and down the country
narrowly missing out on titles to Man U
(1999 still stings a bit, can’t wait for
the 20 year anniversary of that bloody

To have a team come out of nowhere and
dominant was tough,

But unfortunately, that comes down to being
pissed off at something that I have
absolutely no control over,

The fact is wether I went to those games or
not had no impact on the results.

I can only change the things I have control

But most people wont even change that.

There are certain things you have a control
over changing or not, just don’t chose to
blame others for the things you can change.

Unbreakable Golfers will show you a new way
to change how you see yourself in golf and
in life

If you want the blue print

However for the things you have absolutely
no control over

Blame Jose Mourinho

John “1999” seton

PS we only get what we are committed to.
The rest is just excuses