UNBreakable golfers

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How Wenger Can Help Your Golf

As one of the last few of us to see the
light that Wenger had reached the end

its hard to admit that its obviously the
right decision (at the moment),

However if he was replaced by deluded
Brendon then I think there would be
outright Civil War at the ground.

Point is there comes a stage where a
change is needed and that can only happen
when the PAIN of staying the same out-ways
the overwhelming FEAR of what:

Might be,

Could go wrong or...

The required hard work to make things

The man brought some of my greatest away
trips that I could ever have gone too,

The Madrid 1 -0 with a patched up team and
a fear of having our ass handed to us in
the first leg sticks out.

(Something that actually become less of a
fear as we repeatably kept getting our ass
spanked in the first knock out round

Point is pain of seeing the same fxck ups,

The shear fear of who was guarding the
self destruct button was enough to give
you a heart attack.

And also what side was actually goona turn

So change is coming and this can help YOU


The change you want will only happen when
the PAIN of staying the same is greater
than the pain that might come from taking
the required action,

Doing the required work,

Making the required investment.

Enter Unbreakable Golfers

A one off day where you build new habits
and gain confidence in your body as you
are shown what's ACTUALLY possible for you

We show you the benefit of change compared
to the pain of staying the same, doing the
same old stuff as everyone else.

If you wanna know more and jump on the
next one then go here


John Seton