How many times can that be used,

In how many different situations

“Eat your dinner or I’m phoning Santa”

“Go to bed or I’m phoning Santa”

Imagine if you could do that with staff

“Don’t be late again or I’m phoning

“I need you to work Saturday or I’m
phoning Santa”

Or even clients

“30 days are our terms or ....”

You get the picture

It’s just leverage

However we can do this to ourselves.

We can ad leverage to any task possible.

And the more leverage you can get on the
task the more you will be motivated to
get it done.

Easiest way, list that sh*t,

What do I get if I pull this off?

What happens if I don’t?

These two simple lists will focus your
mind on what and why you need to do

Then You can stop the self talk of

I ain’t got time,

I can’t be bothered,

There’s no rush,

Imagine if you got leverage on your

The way you eat, exercise or look after

You will be more motivated and focused
first thing in the morning if you know

Why you are doing something and back it
up with reasons that benefit you

Leverage is the key in anything you do

John”Santa” Seton

PS dude just to let you know I’m down to
my last spot before Xmas,

Let me know if you wanna change your
game before then
