UNBreakable golfers

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There's something that I have to do

Its part of a program I was in

And you have to study "daily"

And from that study, get an insight and
apply it

This is not reading.

With reading you just read and think
"that cool"

and then do nothing with the information

With study you read BUT

you only do it until you get an insight

Something that you can apply to either:

Your business

Your body

Your mindset

Or your family,

Today's insight will help you

Think of what you want

Then right down the following statment.

"I will do whatever it takes to get
......, Except ......."

Then fill in the blanks

I know its what meatloaf said in his
annoying song but,

What this does is point you straight to
why you WILL FAIL

And if you know that

you can work on that first

It cant be any simpler

And you may surprise yourself

You could just find a way around that

Or you could stop beating yourself up
for not doing something

Just because there's a certain price
your not willing to pay

And guess what?

Thats ok.

Somethings are more important than

It ultimately comes down to what YOU

John "Insight" Seton

PS Planing some golf performance days

A full day with me and Golf pro James

It will be f*cking awesome

Ill be in touch

But if you need help now click this link


Nice one