So it turns out the new update from
Drains your battery
You literally can't get through the day
without plugging your phone in
You are now a slave to wall sockets
Spotting them as soon as you walk in a
"Don't forget your charger"
Otherwise come the end of the day you
will be without a phone.
So the new powerful update means we all
need new phones
your body can be the same
Some part of it will drain your energy
Keep you in a position where you need to
constantly plug in
Either with coffee
Some sh*t food
Or wasting time on social media
(Ha not if your battery's f*cked)
But your mind will drain your energy as
much as anything else
Worry, stress and pain put a huge drain
on your energy
So you crave:
More sh*t food
More coffee
More distraction
But you can help your body and your
energy recover better by using a few
simple changes
to what you eat
A few simple techniques to stay calm
And most importantly stay FOCUSED
Playing golf is so much easier when you
are not
In pain
Worried about the next shot or worse the
last one
And if you have more energy, those last
few holes won't be so though
Thats what you will get if you step up
to Unbreakable Golfers when its released
John "IOS" Seton
PS it won't be ready for a while fella,
There's a lot to be done,
And I will only release it to a select
But in the mean time
If you need some help fixing your body
Get in the clinic and we'll show you
what's possible