UNBreakable golfers

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Is He Talking?

When you’re watching something on TV and
something isn’t quite right,

You not sure then the Mrs says,

“The lip sync is out”

And boom you’ve now had it, it’s all you
can see, and it’s all you a can concentrate

Forget the story or what’s going on or even
who you recognize

All you can see is that bloody lip sync

You pause it,

Stop it,

Reload it

And if it doesn’t go you can no longer
continue to watch anymore of it,

It would drive you crazy if you did,

So you turn everything off and start again

Its now completely fine but you’re still
not convinced so you focus constantly on
what you’re seeing,

Waiting to see if it’s out again.

That’s the ability of awareness and

If you’re unaware something’s wrong, you’re
in complete ignorance and happy as Larry

But when you’re aware,

That focus can lead to distraction until
you know it’s fixed.

But don’t blame the awareness,

The problem was always there, surely you
don’t want to live in denial.

Finding what’s wrong is the path to
changing and getting better.

Ignoring the problem is like the person who
refuses to look at his bank account cos
he’s worried what he might see,

I know this cos this was me, but

If you’re ready to be shown the truth,


To be shown what’s really going on in your
body and how it can and will effect you,
then we can help

PS it was billions we were watching and
that program is quality more on that