So Today Is the Day

The Day It happens

The day I STOP fxcking around.

After 60 days of my new 90 day sprint, I made

On day 60 (Thursday 25th May) I finished
everything I had to do for my..

New Professionally Built website.

And It goes live today.

Why did I do this?


I wanted RESULTS.

The thing is there is only so much I can do.

I know my target audience cos it is/was me.

A golfing Dad who runs his own businesses,
wants them to grow but finding the right

Balance between work, family and FUN.

I mean selfish FUN too fella.

The type of selfishness that means when the
Mrs says pick a film for us to watch.

We come back with Rambo.

First blood of course, I wouldn't subject her
to Rambo 3.

But we spend so much time either working or
being there for our families that we forget
about ourselves.

Let ourselves go a bit, eat the wrong stuff.

Listen dude we know what we can and cant eat.

But WHY we eat it?

Thats a more important question and
its genrally a lot simpler than we want to

Anyway back to my website.

I had to have all the copy, photos, links etc
done by that day.

That was the deadline.

A deadline will send you into action better
than anything.

It will put you under pressure BUT it will
also get you to take ACTION

And stop the stories.

The stories of i'll do it when…

I haven't got time… 

And the biggest one "I Will Be Criticised"

All assumptions based on absolutely no evidence. 

You cant think you way into action, you have
to take action and put a deadline on it.

That way you can work out if you have WON or

Pick a Goal and put a deadline on it.

I guarantee you will impress yourself

John "Deadline" Seton

PS Tomorrow I will tell you about Getting
more done in the day.

And while To Do lists don't work. 

Until then, Heres a look at my new site

If there is something you are putting off
due to fear of criticism.

You are basically saying peoples opinions
are more important than what you WANT

Fxck um
