UNBreakable golfers

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Just Cos You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They're Not Out To Get You

Now I know I should be telling you about
seeing Star Wars Yesterday

But the fact is I’m off to the accountants
this morning to lay out my master plan and
see what’s possible in 2018

And it reminds me of the following statement

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean
they’re not out to get you”

I’m not a paranoid person,

And blindly think everything’s ok and

But what I love about that statement is it
takes someone’s potential fear and shows
them how they could be right

A lot changed for me when I decided to stop
blaming everything else,

My business,

Property prices,

Chasing non paying clients,

Then someone told me

“You are 100% responsible for the sh*t you
find yourself in. But then that means you
can get yourself out of it"

You see whatever YOUR current issue is.

You made it,

It doesn't matter if its the way you eat,

How you practice,

How you spend your money,

Your curent relationships

All of it is down to you.

But that means YOU can change it.

You have the ability to get yourself out of
the hole.

The first thing is to make a decision to

To get better,

And that starts with taking responsibility
and stepping up and doing whats needed.

First change the stories YOU tell yourself.
That could be changing one sentence from

"I cant"


"How can I"

The first one closes the door the second
opens up possibility

Next year we will take 4 men and in one day
change the way they see themselves and how
they see whats possible for them

When we launch, you better be ready


John " Paranoid" Seton

PS I know its not till next year but its
currently the only way you will get to see

So keep your eyes peeled