Me And Mike Tyson
Sound's like bullshit I know fella.
But I met Iron Mike Tyson in Amsterdam in
September 2005.
It was an arsenal away trip, group stage,
champions league match
(When we use to be in it every year)
We were standing outside a bar on some steps
to the entrance when someone said
"Thats Mike Tyson"
looking up, walking down the street was none
other then Iron Mike himself
This was pre "The Hangover" and Post "biting
peoples ears"
He turned and walked up the steps and came
towards me.
Now I was obvioulsly FULL OF BOOZE at the
So as calm as you like, put my hand on his
shoulder and said
"Mike any chance of a phota"
His reply was
"Inside Man, Inside"
What proceded when he went in the bar was a
scrum and the only photo to get was of group
of people sourrnding 1 Fella
Within a couple of minuets he left
I don't soppose he was aware that the red
half of north london was hanging around a
quiet little bar that evening.
Or maybe he was a Gooner?
So there was
No photo,
no standing there with both our fists up,
Just a missed opportunity of a photo with a
childhood hero of mine.
I could blame the dog shit phone of mine,
Or the fact that the photo could have been
done livley before he went into the bar.
But I imagine that hes not the type of person
that could be easily swayed.
And it could have been a frightening
conversation if he said
"Outside Man, Outside"
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John "Phota" Seton
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See ya tomorrow
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