"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my
career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26
times, I've been trusted to take the game
winning shot and missed. I've failed over
and over and over again in my life. And
that is why I succeed."
 Michael Jordan

Fear of failure is real because we now
believe that if you do something and it
doesn’t work first time that means

It doesn’t work,

Or that we are not good at it,

But you need to try everything At least

The first time always fails

And if it dosen't then it was either too
easy or just luck.

The brain and body learns by repetition,

But when it comes to exercise, especially
corrective exercise you want to live on the
boarder of failure.

That’s the sweet spot

Too easy and it’s a waste of everybody’s

To hard and everyone quits, with some
fellas sulking.

But finding that sweet spot, where you are
right on the edge of failing that it
actually feels like your failing

That is where FAST results live

Nothing works first time, so fail, fail
fail again, course correct and get results

And most of all fail faster.

If you wanna know how to get big ass
results in one day

Show your interest here


John “failure” Seton

PS People dont have a fear of failure, they
have a fear of LOOKING like a failure