UNBreakable golfers

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Monkey Typing... 

I set up a new offer, put in all the work to build it out but missed one tiny detail with a bit of code on my site that sent keen golfing Mobsters to the wrong page. 

The thing is by testing it out we found the issue and now it can be sorted. 

Lucky for me I have made so many of these mistakes with software (I am just a shaved monkey who types with the bottom of my fists) so this is just a lesson for me to fix and not jump to something else and say it doesn't work. 

Jumping from one thing to another and not sticking to something long enough to get a result.

Doing this causes you to think that what you’re doing isn't working or worse YOU can’t do it because you are not good enough and it causes you to give up again and again and AGAIN. But the fact is if you are really not good enough then you shouldn’t give up because guess what...

You need the fxcking practice....... 

What would be possible for you if you refused to give up when you were struggling?

There is where you are today and there is where you want to go tomorrow and the difference between those two points is GETTING BETTER... 

Getting better at making the right food choices, removing the sheesh that doesn't serve you, adding in the food that makes you feel full of energy... 

Doing the work on yourself to be more confident in what you are doing because you have done the reps... Lots of them...  

Where does this need for perfectionism come from?

A need to show no weakness... 

But to get better you have to strengthen what is weak. 

You can do that here and it will get you to hit the ball further and lose that derby, but it requires you to struggle at the start... 


John Seton

Nice one