UNBreakable golfers

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More Power From a Good Tug

So saw my chiropractor

Yep dude I get regularly treated too,

I wont ask you to do something im not willing
to do myself.

I get tugged about to get better too

My power output had dropped off and put it
down to a lack of energy

(Going hard up to holiday and this 38 year
old frame needs a rest, you know the feeling

And that is part of it.


After some testing it was obvious there was
more going on.

That evening power output back up and now
back on track.

The thing is dude the body is all connected,
from your big toe to your big eyebrows to
your big old boy.

And something can be off in the chain

And things just dont work properly

you see I study this stuff every day (ok 5
days a week) and still need help

The fact is dude there is only so much you
can do yourself, Regardless of how much
knowlage you acquire there comes a point where
we need help.

I have help across what needs to be improved,




If one starts to slip its cos the time hasn't
been put in

heres where you can get help for your pain
and the issues you have with your body.


But when it comes to the Golf swing

Thats left to the Pro's and not to magazines.

John "Output" Seton

PS Dude the reason why the Golfmob works is I
can take all the information and plan it over
a 4 week period.

Change and course correct for the next

If your thinking of getting a lesson BUY A
COURSE and commit to it like a monster

And stop looking for the next thing cos thats
not focused

Be Better Than Yesterday


Golf Performance Therapy and Golf Fitness

Nice one ;)