Today I got up late, and that is no good for me...

A lie-in is not what I need, I need to get up and get my morning medication.

Not in the dose of pills or injections.

But in how I get my mind and body in the right place before my day starts.

What I do as part of my morning (and it is as important as anything else I do that day) is to, get my mind right, I get my body moving towards my long term targets, as well as the current focus in the business of golf.

Not doing that this morning meant I was chasing the morning and will eventually be chasing the day if I do not get back on track. (which I have now).

It involves cancelling plans and rescheduling anything that will get in the way.

That is how important the start of your day is and it is why Unbreakable front 9 (UF9 the 9 things needed to be done each day to hit your targets ) has a large part of it that must be done before your "real" day starts.

There is a strength that is difficult to explain that happens when you put yourself in power before you deal with any outside problems.

Your mind is clearer and can deal with more stress,

Your body's on fire before it has already gone to work,

Your targets are closer in your mind because you have taken action on them before the rest of the world puts their problems on you.

Your morning matters, it doesn't have to be like mine but if your morning is coffee and Facebook you are being controlled and not in control. And above all, I hate being controlled. I

f you are like me and want to know what a powerful morning looks like and better yet how to get back on track when you've made a mistake. It's all explained inside the Unbreakable golfer's app which is here.

What I suggest you consider is you have the power to make your morning supercharge your day.

You just choose what you want and get up and do it before you do anything else.

The thought that most of the world live the way I got up today blows my mind but at the same time, I can see why 95% of the people on social media are blaming others instead of taking a stand to get better.

It's because they feel they have no control over their results.

Wanna know how we do it.

Go here.

John Seton