So I had the next round of my knock outs on
Wednesday and to say it was windy is an
It was so windy I honestly thought I saw
Thor standing there with his big one
and his hammer
I had to add a few layers to weigh me down
or I could have ended up as a statistic.
The match started well when we both hit
shots that went as far as a wedge.
And it was neck and neck and all square on
the last when my opponent sank a 10 foot
birdie leaving me with a par to lose.
So I’m now out of all knock outs and was
close to getting my name on the board.
I could piss and moan but the fact is I
should have put a bit more practice in.
I could blame xmas for that but I CHOOSE to
spend time with the family and be a bit
So this loss is on my head but I’m ok with
But people do this all the time.
They blame others for their lack of
Is there anything you lack commitment in
but blame time or other people for you lack
of results.
Results are all that matters.
That reminds me.....
How about a lot of cool sh*t stuffed into
one day that will cover how to better your
body in hours with the added bonus of a
plan to keep it that way
Want more info Go here
John “ahhhhhhhhhh” seton
PS I’ve got plenty of positives from my
match but the fact is
The result is all that matters
Until tomorrow