Pay Yourself First, Not Others & This Includes The VAT Man
This applies to anything
But comes from Dan kenardy's time
management book.(great book)
This was how we ran an old business,
and how most people do
(Ill tell you why its wrong in a minute)
Pay the labor first they’re your bread and
Pay your suppliers, can’t do any work
without supply's.
Pay the vat man don’t want that assassin
looking at you through a riffle scope
Then with whatever’s left over that’s what
you get
and if you need more tough, try
again next month.
And it’s exhausting
And not fun
However if you take Mr Kenardy’s advice
Pay yourself first then pay all the others
you will be better off
You will do the work required to get the
money for everyone else.
Those same issues still exist, you’ve just
looked after yourself first
But you can do this OUTSIDE of business
As husbands and fathers most men pay
ourselves last,
We look after our wife’s,
Clients and then with the little time left
it’s time to pay ourselves,
When you’re exhausted,
Stressed and not in the mood,
That’s when you will look for sedation
from whatever vice suits you at that point
So why not..........
Pay yourself first
Look after YOU however small before anyone
Sounds selfish right?
But its not...
because you will find the time and energy
for everything and everyone else after and
the benefit...
You will feel, look and BE better.
And that’s better FOR everyone you come
into contact with
Your wife
Your kids
Your clients
And thats better for business
So pay yourself first and don’t feel
If you want a proven simple system to pay
yourself first with the bonus of helping
your golf too
You know where to go
But if not just Pay yourself first
John Seton