Dude if you're not aware of what this is
I can guarantee you've had it.
Shooty arse (the name) is something that came
from Keith Lemon( celebrity juice, bo
selector etc)
Shooty arse is a sharp pain in your bum which
for 2 seconds and makes you think
"Oh my god I'm Gonna DIE"
Then its gone, with no after effects.
Why am I telling you this ?
This is something that I can't help you with
Pain elsewhere in the body,
Pain playing golf,
I'm there my man,
To help you out and get you moving better.
But pains in the arse?
Can't do it my friend.
I'm just being honest.
It's where I Know my limitations.
The thing is dude
I do strive to get better and by that I mean
to get a little bit better everyday.
But there are things I cant do.
To put a positive spin on it lets say there
are things I cant do YET.
Fixing shooty arse is one
And teaching people how to play golf is the
For everything I know about the way the body
moves in the golf swing, I still leave the
swing itself to the Golf Pro's.
Know your limitations fella and get help for
the things you need.
If its the swing see a pro,
If its your body? Then get in touch
John "Arse" Seton
PS Dude if you've never had Shooty arse at
least you wont panic when you do get it.
You have been warned
Nice one.