UNBreakable golfers

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Sleepy food

There is nothing like a lack of sleep is there.

Waking up and already exhausted, tired, irritable.

With this everything seems like it's a nightmare or more stress then it needs to be.

From this worn-out state, you want to reach for the worst possible food and as much coffee as you can get your hands on.

And this is just to get going even though the days just started, you're already thinking about the day finishing.

Everyone at some point has been through the pain of not having enough sleep and will allow their body (at some point) to catch up.

However, the same feelings can be brought about by eating foods that steal your energy, motivation, focus and clarity, but because it's at different points of the day, you're unaware of it.

That mid-afternoon unproductive low could be based on what you just had for lunch.

Lacking energy can make you hate doing the things that you normally love.

Things that wouldn't normally bother you now become bigger issues.

A comment that you wouldn't normally hear now makes you want to argue with the person who said it.

Things going slightly wrong that normally would get sorted now all of a sudden, drive you crazy and make you want to throw stuff. (Or is that just me?)

This leads you to want to consume more rubbish food, (the stuff that put you here) to feel better and on and on it goes...

You might even beat yourself up because you've "Done it again" and you decide you're going to sort it out tomorrow.

However, like a good night's rest, a proper sleep.

When you're aware of what foods, make you feel powerful then you will know how to start the day before you wished it was over.

Now you can fill yourself up on the foods that give you energy.

Now your energy means you enjoy what you do.

The things that people say to you don't bother you at all.

So all of this stuff comes from starting your day with the idea of putting yourself in and staying in power.

Add in a training plan that helps you not only feel better but look and show up better and it's game over.

Add in a plan that does all the above and helps your golf, then all you have to do is put on a red suit and grow a beard because my friend you have Christmas.

Here's a little secret.

You don't need no hard, painful, specific diet.

Because all diets work.

The reason why they work is that they are based around a plan.

And people who get the results follow that plan like it's a treasure map, and those that follow the map, get to where they want to go.

So if you're feeling burnt out, stressed and tired.

It might just be to the food that you're consuming is causing you to feel the way you're feeling.

And rather than just filling up with foods and looking for the perfect diet.

Why not just pick a plan and stick to it.

One thing I've always loved to do is to add food I should be eating rather than worrying about what I can't eat.

It's a great place to start.

The next step is to eat for your targets in the body.

When you couple in golf-specific training it becomes far easier, to stay committed (even on your worst days) because it feels like you're eating and training to be better at a game you love.

Not for a set of scales or how you look with your shirt tucked in.

So what I would suggest is select the foods that you know you should be eating and eat more of them and find some sort of training that you can do that will empower you to get close to your targets.

The best way to do that is to pick the training that you love to do, or that will give you the results you desperately want.

So if you're not sure if Sunday football is for you.

Or getting in a gym and pumping iron is your thing.

And maybe want to do some simple bodyweight exercises that will not only make you fitter, happier, more energised and leaner but also make you hit the golf ball further.

That's where the GolfMob 30 day challenge comes in.

It is training with simple to follow eating instructions, not the other way around.

But a warning...

It requires commitment and is not built for those who like to shy away from any hard work and feel that results just magically fall out of the sky.

However, if you believe YOU are the #1 asset you have then you might just have the minerals needed to do what "they" won't and that is:

To be accountable to yourself...


John Seton