Smell My Brains
Kids are funny, I love it when they mess
words up,
Say something slightly different than it’s
meant to be
And to be totally honest, the way I talk
it can’t help my kids when it comes to
My 3 year old obviously heard this
somewhere and copied what she thought
she’d heard
She’ll come up to you and want you to
smell her breath but say...
“smell my brains”
I love it, and when she stops, it will be
a sad day
All that’s happened is she’s got slightly
the wrong interpretation of something
The end goal is the same but the context
slightly wrong
This happens with food all the time
People read something In the paper about a
super food
Some new way to eat better and think this
one thing is the key
— The missing ingredient —
However nothing will change for a dieter
if they don’t change the way they THINK
about food
Take someone who’s decided to stop eating
stuff out of the treat cupboard
They remove all chocolate, biscuits and
cakes and guess what
They get huge results but.....
They crave that food like never before
You will want what you tell yourself you
can’t have
So rather then condemn food as so called
bad just add food that is so called good
It will make you less likely to crave all
the food you tell yourself you can’t have
Because you now CAN have it if you want
(Little aside, you will cave this stuff
when you tired because it’s quick energy)
A simple mind shift about the same
If you want to learn a different way of
A way that can help you across golf and
all other areas
Then step up to unbreakable Golfers
It’s time to think differently
John “Smelly Brains” Seton
PS if you have no desire to get better, no
plans to improve yourself
Then click unsubscribe cos I can’t help you