UNBreakable golfers

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Sometimes you need a good ass-kicking .

So I had my first Fight, Bout, Comp, Match (I'm not sure how you actually refer to it) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu In Valencia. 

It was scheduled for 12.28 in the PM and the weigh-in at 9-ish. However, as it was in Spain I actually got on the mats at 16.48.

The venue was huge and as soon as I laid my eyes on it that's when the nerves and me-old-April started going. 

They came up again at the weigh-in and at different points throughout the day. 

I actually managed to get in a kip too, on the seats in the stands due to the delay (I can kip anywhere, Planes, Trains, cinemas and now sporting events).

But nothing could prepare me for stepping on the mat and seeing who I'm facing. 

You see I'd missed weight by 2 Kg (Shame, Shame) and ended up in the next division potentially giving away a stone to a fella who’s pecs liked to wave hello out of his GI.

When the match started I was made aware that the guy was NOT as strong as some of the guys I've been rolling with and, I thought I'd done well with only a few mistakes and ended up losing on points. 

But, When I watched the video back its obvious that he was always in control, was never really worried after the start and knew more then my tiny head had learned in the 10 months I’d been doing it. 

It was quite a humbling experience. 

What followed was a huge disappointment, self-doubt and a night of thinking what could have been until the realisation that the targets that I had set had actually been hit. 

I wanted to fight in a comp before the year was out (which was in my control) and wanted to not be submitted of which I did both. 

Time for new targets to be set. 

Golfers at the start of every year or summer for that matter, set targets to cut scores, others set targets to lose weight (and worry it might affect their golf, and It can if not managed right)

They also do this by setting targets they can’t control... like cut 2 strokes or lose 2 stone. 

But if you set targets that are in your control you will have better results and a lot less pain, frustration, and the “F-it I give up” attitude. 

More context needed? your wish is my command. 

Instead of cutting 2 strokes (Which isn’t completely in your control) what if you worked on the weakest part of your game consistently (Which you can control) 

Instead of losing weight, what if you focused on training daily, eating better and stop making excuses for why you can’t do those things. 

Enter the GolfMob online 30 day transformation and its accompanying FREE golf nutrition plan, if you want to know what to eat on and off the golf course for better performance on it then this free download might be for you.

but you will actually have to do something, not just read the plan and add it to your “soon to-do list”. 

Results require’s action, and this FREE plan and its daily emails actually filter out those golfers who would be a terrible fit to get the results from it.

That's why the full program is application only, it requires hard work, consistency and you have to actually stop the excuses that keep you stuck.. 

Anyway, want more info….. go here


John Seton