UNBreakable golfers

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Strike Down Those Weaknesses & Become MorePowerful Then You Every Imagined

So yes my friend I Took my boy to watch Star
Wars on Sunday

And at 6 he is proper into it

And there will be no spoilers from me

I hate them f*ckers that do that,

Point being the stronger you are with the
force the more powerful Jedi you are

And guess what my chubacca looking friend

The more force you can generate from the

The more powerful you can hit the cover off
the golf ball

And any weaknesses from your big toe to your

Will reduce your ability to generate “The
Force” from the floor to the Ball

Which for today’s email we will call the
Death Star

But with great power comes great

So all the power I will give you

(And I f*cking will)

Golf pro James Skelton “powerful, powerful
Jedi is he”

Will teach you how to control it

So next year it’s time to turn to the dark
side of golf performance


John” Dark Helmet” Seton

PS this is gonna be small group one day

And will be like nothing out there and with
that you have my word

May the force production be with you, always