UNBreakable golfers

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Swing Pot

Friday I got to play some golf for the first
time in 3 weeks.

The sun was shining, the course was empty.

The perfect golfing experience.

Then My swing went to pot.

Bastard, shit game.

It just wasn't working.

I have been working on a few swing changes
and the more I struggled I could feel myself

Drifting back to my older swing as thats what
we do right?

See an expert, get the info and then when
when its a little bit tough

Go back to the way it used to be.

The problem is..

I want to get better.

So I decided to listen to the expert.

And actually work on what he told me to do.

So after a few holes I walked off the course
and over to the practice ground and just
started working.

My goal was to play golf, but my goal changed

I could have done the easy thing and just go
back to my old swing.

Cos "things weren't that bad in the first

But thats not how progress is made.

We can all stay the same.

But if you want to get better.

You have to put the time in.

Or you just become the perpetual goal setter.

Some times you just have to put the work in
and not worry about the result.

We get so caught up in our minds that we
forget about the process, we forget why we
started that goal.

In training we become so focused on what the
target is we forget that we need to just get
it done.

If you normally do 20 press-ups and today you
can only do 10.

Rather than be focused on the 10 you couldn't
do ask yourself.

How was the tenth press up? Did you give up
or did you give all you had and that was all
you could give.

If you cant do press ups.

Just do 1.

Then 2.

With progress you'll eventually get to 20.

With CONSISTENT progress every fxcking day

John "Process" Seton

We set process goals in the golfmob.

Where we ask ourselves

"did I do the work yes or no"

No stories...

Did you do the work?

Its that simple.

If not then you need help


Heres where you get the help.

See ya tomorrow  

Golf Performance Therapy