So dude on Thursday

got a chance to spend 20 minutes with
Pro James Skelton

And my swing was looking good but was
getting a little steep

I need my left wrist to be more bowed at
the top

Like Dusting Johnson

The thing is I've now been shown the way

But I have to work on it

It's not gonna stay that way without
putting the work in

And I now need to learn how to control
it from this new position

Or it won't change

That was probably my biggest pain point
when I worked at Wentworth

Some people would come in fresh from
injury and would do the work needed

Other people would come in and never do
the work

They would just book in again

From a business point of view I suppose
it was perfect

A certain amount of reddies guaranteed
every month

But that's not enjoyable

I like finding faults and fixing them

When I used to be on the tools I was the
guy that would go in when things were

"This isn't working tell me why?"

And if I was to come back the next day
to do the same thing,

Not really what I'm after fella

If you wanna know why you do the things
you do in your golf swing

Why a certain part of the body is always


Always the first to go under stress

Then I can show you WHY

And I can give you a plan to fix it

But you will have to do some work away
from the clinic

If you have no intention of doing what
you need to do to get better

Then I am not your fella

There are plenty out there that will
take your money and tell you to come
back tomorrow.

John "Bowed wrist " Seton

PS Increasing movement is like taking

Get it working a new better way

And then practice so it sticks

Improvement is just that simple
