There are 4 strategies that lay on top of the 4 key mindsets that you need to move forward in your:


Body and your golf.

First thing, we attack the number one underlying issue...

The one thing that's massively holding you back, it could be from the movement assessment, it could be from the food you eat but we find that one thing and attack that first…

Imagine a boat in the water that is stuck and will not move.

It has a brand new engine put in, full of fuel, but it's still tied up and anchored down...

We need to remove that anchor.

The anchor is the number one issue and more often than not it is the one thing you are avoiding.

The best thing about trying to fix one thing is that the progress from it leaks over into the other areas of your life.

Focusing on one thing, stops you jumping from one thing to another which only ends up never getting you anywhere.

You're just spinning your wheels, with no real progress, so we target and we attack the first most important issue that's holding you back.

Next up we daily chip away at the stories and the obstacles to changing your habits and behaviours that have become unconscious to you.

The key here is daily, and there are some tools that are part of The GolfMob 30 Day Challenge that seem like mindset hacks that are simple to implement daily.

You are using them to create clarity in your mind so that you can fix, change and find out what's possible for you.

The third thing, we train, not exercise, we train daily at the level that you're at now.

This could be two minutes breathing exercises or it could be 45 minutes of power work, it depends what level you're at and it doesn't matter what anyone else's level is….you're trying to improve yourself,

Every single day.


We get and focus all of that, training all of the stories, everything that we're doing we blend it into motor pattern learning and how your body learns new patterns and remembers old ones.

There are patterns and movements that you used to do effortlessly that you no longer do because of age, tightness, food, lifestyle choices and your mind.

Losing movement is a huge issue and it is just accepted because you surround yourself with people who are not willing to do the work required to get better..

Anyway, The GolfMob 30 day challenge will give you more yards and less inches in under 30 days.

Become better by changing the things that currently define you, which are your habits, your behaviours and they are backed up by the stories you tell yourself.

Wanna know more go here..

John Seton 

Nice one