So this week I had to go to a
billionaires mansion

To give my expert opinion

Let’s not get this twisted fella

I am not blowing my own

It’s how it was told to them,

it just became an up-sell of weird

Quick overview

We look after a famous designer store in

They have supplied some particular
lights to their “high level clients”

Last year I was asked by the store to
look at an issue with these lights

In the store.

I won’t go into it but it’s designed a
certain way

Soon after I was asked to go to one of
their clients in Notting Hill for the
same issue

And that client was a miserable as*hole

So the same issue had happened at a
billionaires mansion near Cranleigh golf

They’d had similar issues for 4 months

This place was amazing

To Get an idea,

When we left the staff quarters I timed

It took 3 minutes doing 30 MPH to get to
the front gate

What’s the point of this story

No matter how much money people have

If they don’t have access to the right

It will take longer to get things done

So with golf performance

why go to people that:

don’t play golf,

Haven’t been injured playing golf before

Or had those issues fixed

I do that here

John “Billionaires bitch” Seton

PS there was nothing special about what
I’d done

I’d just had experience in it

So I got it done quicker

Go here to get you limitations fixed

Much, much Quicker
