So what is it?

How can you eat more and be leaner


Have more energy

And more importantly how the f*ck can you do
it in a period where you will be scoffing
down more




Crisps and


So picture this it’s 3pm on Xmas day, is it
likely you fancy any of the following

A couple of Pringles

Another beer

Some purple Cadbury's chocolates,

Unless you woke up at 2.59pm the answers
probably yes.

But go back a few hours, you’ve just woken
up and the kids have opened a few presents

And as you're waiting for the kettle to boil
do you now fancy

A couple of Pringles

An beer

Some purple Cadbury chocolates,

Hopefully not,

You see the morning is more about habits
than wants.

So if you can make the morning more about
getting in FUEL, the fuel your body needs to
function at its best,

Then you've just set yourself up for a more

What do you need?

I cant answer that, but most people dont get
enough greens.

In the morning you can get in what you body

Rather than what it feels like it wants by
having a Green smoothie.

Spinach, kale, water and add some fruit for

Get the fruit in so you get used to the
taste and then over time remove the fruit,

I have a handful of kale, a big handful of
spinach and a banana.

You made need more fruit,

you've just added something of value to your
diet and if you build a habit of this all
the better

John "Green Karzi" Seton

PS Its much easier to ADD IN the good stuff
before you TAKE OUT the bad stuff.

People always want what they cant have
