Some people say breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.

Others, that fasting in the morning is more

But without a doubt the most important
thing to do in the morning is

(No not that)

Is to have a system in place that
slingshots you into your day like a angry

A powerful routine that gets you in a
positive position to pull off a Sheeeet
load and not be a reactive helmet.

There are 8 things I do every morning that
help me,

Get more done,

Get better results

Be a better fella for my family,

Stay on track for my targets daily

And pull more stuff off in 12 weeks than I
used to in 12 months

And at Unbreakable Golfers I’m gonna show
you exactly how you can too

But if you can’t make it to find out, then
take this one SIMPLE thing and apply it
tomorrow morning.

It’s not sexy but as uncle Albert Einstein
(the stein-master to his pals) once said

“things should be made as simple as
possible but no simpler”

And anything that’s good enough for the old
sea dog uncle Albert should be good enough
for you

So In The morning, Your body may be rested
but it has done a lot of recovery while you
were asleep

And It is dehydrated as a stag on the
second night of his doo

So Just add water,

The biggest fear here is that you will need
a leak on your way to work,

If that’s the case build up, start with a
small cup and eventually get to a pint when
your bladder gets a bit younger

Do this before your morning tea or coffee.

That’s it if you don’t do this simple thing
tomorrow then you are someone who struggles
to keep yourself accountable.

And then we both know you will need to have
external accountability and you’ll get that

John “two pints” Seton

PS water has the ability to sort out aches
and pains but when added to the parts of
the unbreakable stack

Can light up your morning like rocket fuel.