I don’t fish
As far as I’m concerned if the suns out
and I’m away from the family
I only want to play golf,
but this story is cool
The inventor Thomas Edison's apparently
was the worlds worst fisherman
he done it most days and never ever
caught a thing
He fished with a bamboo pole and no bait
The thing is he never intended to catch
It was his way of taking time out
A bit of quite time,
Being left alone to think
Away from distractions and from people
bothering him
It’s absolutely impossible to get stuff
done when you are being consistently,
distracted by nonsense,
Asked questions people can find the
answers themselves,
You need to find something that gets you
away from everyone
Personally this is why I think it’s so
hard for people to give up smoking
Going out side for a fag gets you away
from it
If you can get away from distractions
for a short time
you will have more energy
And more energy means
less anger
more clarity to get what you want.
turn your phone off and go for a walk,
Do anything else that gets you away from
the time vampires.
Some point in the day you just need to
plug in and recharge
Doing too much you become a dog trying
to run on a tiled floor, you spend a lot
of energy and effort but get nowhere
How do you fix this
First thing turn our phone off
The world will not stop turning for five
Second don’t think of what you have to
think of what you want
If you know what you want you will find
a way to get it
Think of the times on the golf course
when your heads been all over the place
Probably not played well those days
But the days you were calm and focused
I imagine the score card was a lot
John “phone off” seton
PS fella you know the score if you need
help with you movement or pain
I can sort that for you here
Nice one