UNBreakable golfers

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They've All Done One Thing.

Everybody I've given weight loss advice

(That have had the biggest results)

Have all done 1 thing the same

Been consistent

Some have cut out sh*t food

Others have tracked their calories and
now know how much they can eat

Others just make sure they have a high
protein breakfast

But they have done this CONSISTENTLY

Only 80% of the time and you are on

You don't have to be perfect just

The perfect workout done once a month
doesn't compare to

an Average workout done twice a week

In golf apparently when giving lessons
most golf pros are told by their

"I want to be more consistent"

But they try to be more consistent by
constantly changing something

Golf Clubs,



weight shift.

Not the best way to be more consistent
is it fella

But most golfers when seeking advice
from a pro

Will use the information to get better
in the lesson

But when they practice next time

On their own

If it doesn't work immediately

They WILL discard it and try a different

Or go back to the old way

But what If you could just decide that
for this 1 round

Or the next 50 balls

"I'm Just gonna do exactly what I was
told and only ASSESS the last 5 I hit"

Wouldn't that be a better gage for
assessing rather than the first ball you

When your stiff, tight and cold

How can you want to get better and then
not do anything to get better

Expecting it to be perfect first time
keeps you stuck

You just need to see an improvement

That's why with Golf Performance Therapy
we get a baseline

And make it better before the end of the

If you see an improvement

Your are more likely to stick to the
practice to GET better

Come in the clinic and start to get

I have 1 slot available in the next 4

To say I'm busy is an understatement

If you want it click here


PS YOUR body is the one thing that is
consistent in your golf swing

Make that one thing better

And you can change you game
