A short missed putt can seriously mess with your confidence on the next hole right? 

The next time you have a similar putt, you start adding pressure to yourself. 

What if I miss this one, what will putting be like from here on, what will this miss do for my score? 

Then you role it in and the pressure is off and that serious lack of self doubt is gone (at least for now) 

Yet most people live with this type of up and down lack of confidence in themselves on a daily basis in one shape or form. 

They don't want to be this way, they tell themselves the right things. Act confident, Make jokes about it, 

Chest out, shoulders back bulldog spirit and that works until it doesn't. 

At some point we all come up against something that takes more confidence than we have.. 

It could be on the golf course or in your body and the way it feels, looks or performs. 

Yet, if we hide from what the obstacle is it actually becomes a bigger problem. 

Take having a lack of energy to train and get better. 

That leaks over into energy with your family and energy at work all which adds your confidence in the original problem getting worse. 

And it repeats until you either blow up on those around you or blow out with food, booze or your sedation drug of choice.. 

It's in this repeating pattern that most people look to change, 

Check out plans, programs, equipment, mentors, tools, tactics or just information. 

However they do it just enough to get out of the pain they are in and not enough to physically change. 

What could be possible if you just did what you set out to do today and stuck to it for more than a few days. 

What if you followed a simple system, a container of thinking that got you so clear on what you had to do that you had the drive to stay committed to your targets. 

One thing is for sure is that people who do the same stuff stay the same. 

Those who try new things do fail, that is true. 

But they also change. 

A suggestion if I may.

If you are not where you want to be right now then do something to change it. 

Believe that you are 100% responsible for the action you decide to take. 

Good or bad 

Right or Wrong 

Succeed or Fail 

A simple way to get clear is to understand where you are, where you want to go, what skill sets you need and most importantly what you need to believe to be committed to doing the work required.

I teach this in the Fairway 4 system and you can learn more about that here if you choose. 

But one thing's undebatable.

Your results today are based on the actions you take TODAY.

And those actions are driven by what you believe is possible.

John Seton