UNBreakable golfers

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What Happened To Craig

What happened to Craig

"Since I started last month I have added up
to 15 yards to my irons and about 25 yards to
my driver. I used to have back pain after or
during a round I now use the TPI warm up,
so far no more pain".

So yer, Fella...

you read that shit right..

15 to 25 yards in 28 days

The cool shit is he DID what he said he

Which builds confidence,

Pretty cool eh?

Here’s what you didn’t get to read

Craig is a guy who uses the GYM, is already
in fantastic shape and in his 40's.

But still made the choice to get better.

Kinda makes most other peoples excuses for
not needing a better body for golf INVALID

All he did?

Took my advice

and took ACTION

No questioning everything I say

No fucking around..

Just FOLLOWED the programe


IMPLEMENTED what needed to be done outside
the session.

TO be more precise–> he created his goals,

Stuck to the plan

Then he followed up with simple daily tasks
to make sure he was accountable...

Thats IT.

It’s not rocket science, dude

Despite what the OTHERS will have you believe

ANYONE can get better

You could do that TODAY

Craig's  advantage? (apart from the fact he
aint a pussy)

He has ME and the MOBSTERS at his back To
prod him

To give him the TOOLS so he can execute (and
track his success)

Here’s the cool thing...

I have the first day session of the Golfmob
for you to download FREE here


You can just follow the instructions laid out
in this FREE download...

And you will get results...

But we both know how that works out for most

Most people need the following process for


If you need help then go here and fill out a


John ‘like a proud dad’ Seton

PS- I just realised I haven’t wrote any
emails on training in the heat wave...

so ‘spose I’ll have to send one tomorrow

Covered in baby oil, with sun glasses on..