UNBreakable golfers

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When You Ain’t Done Enough

The biggest pain in the ass about setting targets,

Is that you have to go high enough to make them worthy and with that,

You have a bigger chance of not hitting them.

From that leads to the feeling of failure or worse the ( I didn’t care anyway) f*ck it attitude.

Which is worse because that leads to giving up or looking for the next new shiny object to focus on.

But if you just look back over the week, you would see what you DID pull off.

And it’s NEVER nothing.

Looking back puts you in power for the next week,

Next challenge or even....

A better attempt at the same challenge.

If you can learn from it, that’s where you get confidence.

Being confident is without doubt the best tool to have in a situation,

If your confident you can be committed

I know that any situation that I let get out of control came from not being 100 % committed and I was not confident.

Get confident by looking back at what you’ve achieved prior to deciding what to do next.

The mind is set up to be negative to protect you....

But you can use that as fuel to get what you want,

So look back before you look forward and set big targets just like what we do at Unbreakable.


If you wanna make huge strides in your progression with your body and your golf, then this is the only place that improves both

John seton