Which Numbers Lie
Would you play golf and not keep score,
How about not knowing the distance of the next shot,
Of even the par for the hole
Lets go one further...
How about not having the number (ie 7 iron) on the bottom of the club
Do you think you might struggle,
Or do you think that you would be making your outcome that LITTLE BIT HARDER.
You see the fact is........
"The Numbers Dont Lie"
The numbers have no emotion,
The numbers have no previous experience of success or failure,
No stories of why they can or cant.
the numbers just "are".
Having numbers, quantifiable, solid, hard data is hugely important, cos as I said earlier..
The numbers dont lie.
Then why do fellas that want to..
Tone up,
Remove the beer belly,
Get back in shape
REFUSE to look at the numbers..
How many caliores did you eat yesterday?
How many of those calories gave you the right nutrition to fuel your body so you can produce more?
If you dont know any of this then just get a fitness app, most explain what you need to do.
Or, you could have the structure built for you, with the reasons why you might fail,
And how you can overcome those failures before they pop up.
For that you need the Unbreakable Golfers yardage book that you get at the unbreakable experience.
Also in the book you'll learn what EVERY calorie calculator does wrong and why it will get you good short term results BUT..
Make it that much more difficult in the long run
For more info go here
John Seton
PS The reason fella's refuse to look at the numbers is because of the STORIES that are in your head, and on the day we show you how to change those stories