So dude this is based on a book from the
60's and is used consistently in
When it comes to starting something new
there are 5 types of people
The innovators,
These are fellas who get an idea
Or use information from others to build
something new
They generally have no results to go on
And are normally the guys that are
always trying something new
They represent 2.5% of people
The early adopters,
these fellas see something that's
getting results and try it for
These are the guys that want to be in on
the first floor
of something new before everyone else
They get the best results and are not
afraid of making mistakes 13.5% of
The early majority,
these fellas are seeing results
they go and decide it's time to step up
Generally there the last to the NEW
thing 34% of people
The late majority,
these fellas step up cos everyone else
is doing it
and no longer wanna miss out, 34% of
The laggards,
These fellas are eventually forced over
due to a change in a daily set up
this was your nan finally getting a
digital box, 16% of people
So why does this matter
If you know roughly where you fit
You will know why you do the things you
With regards to something new
If you're constantly picking holes in
And then end up doing it
Your probably the late majority
If you despise change of any kind you're
probably a laggard
But for me it's best to be an early
Those guys get the best results
Because they see something
That can benefit them
Because they've seen results in other
Like them
John "Visionary" Seton
PS dude, the early adopters normally
blow past the others
Because they are ahead of the curve
If you want to be ahead of the curve
Grab my last slot in the clinic
And we'll make you better than the
majority that you play against